2011 Holidays & Special Occasions

A MySQL database was created using phpMyAdmin with a table to include information about Holidays and Special Occasions in 2011 as way to demonstrate MySQL database work. Data was input for Month, Day, Year, Season, Holiday/Occasion, Greeting/Reminder for the Occasion.

The results from a variety of different queries of the database information can be seen per links below:

View all data: View Quarterly data: View Month specific data:
1. Sorted Numerically by Month/Day 1. Quarter 1 (January - March) 1. January
2. Sorted Alphabetically by Season 2. Quarter 2 (April - June) 2. February
3. Sorted Alphabetically by Occasion 3. Quarter 3 (July - September) 3. March
4. Sorted Alphabetically by Month/Day 4. Quarter 4 (October - December) 4. April
5. Count Occasions by Month FlowerFlowerFlower 5. May
6. Count Occasions by Season 6. June
7. July
View Season specific data: 8. August
1. Winter 9. September
2. Spring 10. October
3. Summer 11. November
4. Fall 12. December